In-Context Editor

With automated screenshots everyone working on the translations has full context available directly in the browser

This article will show users how to create draft and target translations as well as how to edit existing translations.

Users can work on the bilingual or multi-language view. To learn more about the multi-language view, see Editor View Options.

After uploading screenshots to the GL Strings Dashboard, anyone working on translations will have full context available directly in the browser. See the Working with Screenshots page for more details.

How to Edit Key Values

  1. Click on the screen thumbnail to the left of the string to display the key’s position and context in the In-Context Editor (users can also hover to the right of the translation border to display the textbox without opening the In-Context Editor)
  2. Enter the translation in the text box below the source value
  3. Click Save as Draft to set the translations to Draft or click on Publish to publish or set the translation as Target

In-Context Editor - In Place